“I’ll go looking for some exotic herbs. I’ll catch up with you at the foot of the Old Rowan when I’m done!” Erika says. “Alright, sounds great! See you soon!” Mirabel replies as Erika fades into crowd of people. The market is like nothing Mirabel had seen before. Stalls, people, common and exotic good of all kinds. Delicious smells of fresh bakery goods, shiny metal swords and knick-knacks, vibrant cloths of all colors and designs. “I had never seen so many people in my life. So many things to try. So many things to see. It was almost overwhelming. But there was one thing I was really after”, the text boxes read. As she strolls past the tents and stalls, a voice yells at her from a caravan: “You there! I can spot a spark wielder from a mile away!” the voice of a man yells. She looks to the lavishly decorated purple caravan. “Welcome young ferin miss!” the human with dark complexion dressed in a flamboyant purple and blue suit yells from behind the counter. “Looking to buy some of Utu’s exquisite magestones?” he asks as the shine of a beautifully cut red quartz piece shines against the sunshine.


Home Cauldron Page 27

2 thoughts on “Home Cauldron Page 27

  1. A little update on myself and the comic:

    Firstly, Home Cauldron won’t be going anywhere anytime soon 🙂 I’m just currently occupied by work and school work to a degree that I unfortunately cannot manage to upload in the typical weekly schedule. I will be working on Home Cauldron during my weeks regardless, but the progress on pages will be a tad slower than usual. When I got a new page ready, I’ll upload it on a Thursday like usual 🙂 Sorry for this inconvenience! I will try to figure out a better solution for the scheduling starting chapter 3! For now, chapter 2 will be released fully this winter/spring.

    Thank you all who read my comic <3 It breaks my heart to not deliver on the schedule I promised but at least Home Cauldron is not going away and I hope you won't either!

  2. That’s fine, we’re lucky to have this for free, thank you for sharing it with us art challenged readers 🙂

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