"AAAAH!" The screams echo in the small round upstairs bedroom as Mirabel jolts up. The tranquillity of early morning light fills the room with a soft haze as Mirabel sits up, holding her violet blanket close to her chest. "Ugh... What a horrible nightmare. Crazy how real that all felt." she says to herself as the dream lets go of her thoughts. She gets out of her bed. Her paws digging into the warmth of her blanket that rests halfway to the floor. “Gods how early is it?” she says, still dazed by the abruptness of her awakening. “I could’ve sworn I slept way past our trip to Rowanill.” She gets up from her bed and grabs her thin indigo nightgown. “Well, I might as well get up now. Erika did say she’s a morning person.” She says as she slips on the silky soft robe barely long enough to rest on her backside. “Me? Not so much. But at least I had made sure last night to have my coffee pot ready for the morning” the text box says as she is holding up a floral-patterned blue porcelain mug with white stalks and light pink flowers. The steam of freshly brewed coffee floating in the air with an aroma familiar to her.


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